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Canon Extender EF 1.4x II

Canon Extender EF 1.4x II Specifications
Focal Length Magnification 1.4x
Lens Construction (groups) 4
Lens Construction (elements) 5
Maximum Diameter x Length 72.8mm x 22.7mm (2.9" x 1.1")
Weight 220g (7.8oz)
These days, the question might be whether it is as useful to use a 1.4x Extender as opposed to an APS-C camera body, which offers an equivalent of 1.6x extension of the focal length, with no impact on image quality. In its own right, the 1.4x is a good optic: there is some slight impact on overall sharpness and chromatic aberration, and a slight impact on distortion, but otherwise, overall image quality is still very good.
The Canon Extender EF 1.4x II is an easy and relatively affordable way to extend the reach (focal length) of compatible Canon L Series lenses with very little degradation in the final digital picture.
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